Buy a Copy of "Go Fund You" by Stephanie Sterlings at
Stephanie Sterlings, Author of Go Fund You: Create Financial Goals, Destroy Your Debt, and Build Wealth for Retirement

“Consider what your life could look like five years from now—and don’t be afraid to dream a little!”

—Author Stephanie Sterlings in “Go Fund You”

Go Fund You by Stephanie Sterlings offers a straightforward methodology for creating financial goals, destroying debt, and building wealth for retirement. Written for middle schoolers through Millennials, this book covers the financial literacy topics that most people aren’t taught in school. These include:

  • Budgeting 101
  • Setting and Achieving Goals
  • Handling Credit Responsibly
  • Managing Debt
  • Avoiding Deep Debt
  • Establishing a Last Will & Testament
  • Understanding the Power of Compound Interest
  • Saving for Retirement

Based on Stephanie’s experience of teaching her own son financial know-how, and drawing on her expertise as a financial advisor, Go Fund You changes the way kids, teenagers, and young adults think about money and financial management. Beginning with the strategies that go into creating a personalized budget and concluding with ideas for funding one’s retirement, Go Fund You covers everything else in between. Plus, Stephanie includes online resources, thoughts on gratitude, and a sample budget template.

Go Fund You is perfect for anyone who needs Financial Management 101, whether it be eighth graders who mow lawns, deliver newspapers, or babysit; high schoolers with a part-time job; college freshmen living on their own for the first time; recent college graduates in the first few years of their career; thirtysomethings on the verge of marriage or buying a house; and parents who want to teach their kids proper financial management.

Buy a Copy of "Go Fund You: Create Financial Goals, Destroy Your Debt, and Build Wealth for Retirement" by Stephanie Sterlings
Buy a Copy of "Go Fund You" by Stephanie Sterlings at

Praise for “Go Fund You”

About the Author

Stephanie Sterlings, Author of Go Fund You: Create Financial Goals, Destroy Your Debt, and Build Wealth for Retirement

Stephanie Sterlings is the author of Go Fund You and has been a financial advisor since 2007. Over the years, Stephanie’s wisdom and advice has changed the financial literacy of thousands of people, including her son, helping them to accumulate massive wealth.

Budgeting 101

Budgeting 101 with Stephanie Sterlings, Author of Go Fund You

Budgeting is the single most important factor in ensuring financial success! Without budgeting, you won’t truly know where your money is going or what you are spending it on—even if you think you do. Start budgeting now by downloading the free Go Fund You budget template.

Free Sample Budget Template from Go Fund You
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